Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Handsome Prince

I was in a mood for a chick flick and Bride Wars happened to be in town. Amy, Entela and I went after dinner (the two Ts, Tracey and Travis, walked home.). The theater wasn't as full as I've seen it, however there were cameras every where. Entela asked what was going on and a lady told her that the prime minister was there. Before we had a chance to look for the prime minister, Entela grabbed my arm and said, "Oh my goodness, there's the grandson of the self-proclaimed Albanian king! He's our prince." (The "king" went into exile sometime in the 40s or 50s, I think....) This prince was a dream! Amy asked Entela how he got so tall and blond. Entela said that his mother is from Germany or Switzerland. Then the girls started planning on how I could accidentally, on purpose bump into him and then fall in love. So there. I now have a plot for my very own chick flick.


Melinda aka Passionfruit said...

I will be the Fairy Godmother! What kind of carriage would you like to take you away?

Jennifer said...

So, I did some research for you. The young prince is having a birthday soon. March 26th to be exact, and he will be turning 27. Now you need an invite to the party. Melinda's the Fairy Godmother, maybe she can get you a dress to go with the carriage! Oh, by the way, quite cute. Weird family history.

Melinda aka Passionfruit said...

would you like a pale pink dress, perhaps the same color as the "First Kiss" rose at your parent's house?

Andrea said...

holly, you are too funny! I wouldn't put it past you! Go for it girl!!!! Hey, how was the flick? Any good?? We missed you at Theresa's baby shower this weekend, it wasn't the same without you! miss you!

Marya said...

I just love reading your fun!

Vanest said...

OMG, we have to get started on the script for that chick flick! Brilliant. Benjamin Button is playing now...should we go and try to bump into more princes?